Code of Conduct
Freedom Home Academy wants to ensure that every child is treated justly.
There are many values and principles that we feel are important for every Afrikan.
We extracted a few that will serve as simple guidelines for children behavior at the Academy.
We recognize that children have shifting behaviors at times as they learn more about themselves and growing.
We will do everything we can to foster an environment of positive development and learning how to deal with change, emotion, and knowledge.
Freedom Home Academy
- Respect self and Respect your Afrikan brothers and sisters
- Love yourself as a proud Afrikan
- No malicious or unwarranted violence
- Respect your mind and body
- Act with integrity- tell the Truth
- Be Self – Determined
- Be productive with your time
- No wasting of food
- No taking without permission
- Discipline yourself by being organized
- Honor Afrikan ancestors and the Afrikan Red, Black, & Green flag
- Share your knowledge and be collective with your actions
- Reconcile differences with your brothers and sisters
- Accept consequences of inappropriate behavior
- Study to master comprehension
- Act and dress in a dignified manner
Clothing with European images are not allowed at school
Female students must wear skirts that are below the knee
- For severe offensive behavior, students are under a 2 strike policy and possible expulsion from academy
- Certain behaviors will be treated case by case with parent involvement.
- Academy reserves the right to not admit any child, and perform corrective action as the Director sees fit